Adsense and Earnings with a Niche 5 Steps to $100

Hi There! Well I haven’t written much or actually nothing about this but I’m an Google Adsense Publisher. I accept Google ads on this site mainly in the 404 but some refer els are around, and run Contextual Ads on my Niche site I began to accept Adsense as an experiment to see if I could re-coup the domain cost and a part of my hosting. And so I began tentatively and slowly in March 2007. I found it to be really rough going at first, a kinda black hole of expectation. Every day, sometimes multiple times a day browsing over to and looking to see if I had any earnings. But for a time almost nothing. . . Ahh but patience, research and a good niche make up for a lack of well . . . anything. But I kept plugging away. Here are some of the steps I took to break the $100 barrier, it took a quite a while for me but there it is:

1. Signup for Adsense, if you don’t have an account Click At the Top of this Post!
2. Read the Adsense Blog
3. Read the Program Policies (this is the don’t get banned warning FAQ)
4. Create great content that appeals to readers and provides something they want. Quick Primer
5. Keep it up and wait . . . and Nine months later you too may have a $100 dollar check in the mail from Google! 🙂
