She will be missed ~ Memorial at Fitzhugh Baptist Church ~ Lois Elaine Bunch 11/14/1930 – 6-13-2007
This is ripped from Steve Howe our Church’s Youth Minister:
And it is well said:
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Live Unplugged
By Jeremy Camp
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Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted here (my bad) and I’ll be surprised if someone reads this. I don’t share this as a devotional, or to impress, or for any reason other than to remind you how awesome Christ is. It’s not here for you to “like” or “dislike,” it’s just here in hopes that God might see fit to use it. Either way, “thank You” God for what You’re doing. 🙂
“Brokenness.” I wonder what it is about this word that makes me so reluctant to hear it. I think it might have something to do with the way I was raised. When I was a little kid, I had this frappin’ awesome Thundercats action figure. It was Lion-o and he had one of those cool “chopping action” arms that would lay the smack down on any enemies in my room. One day I got a little too rough with Lion-o (we were seriously administrating on some evil Transformer dudes) and I broke the “chopping action” on my action figure. I ran downstairs and said, “Dad, what happened?! Can you fix it?” Like any good father he studied it intently for awhile, then with a sympathetic look in his face said, “I’m sorry son, he’s broke, I can’t fix him.” Maybe that’s where I started getting off on the wrong impression of the word “broke” or any variation of the word (I REALLY liked my Lion-o).
And here I am now, 26 years old, and even though I don’t play with action figures (at least none that I’m willing to admit to) I still get this…awkward feeling when people start talking about being “broken” or “brokenness.” It’s scary, like with my action figure…if I’m broken can God really fix me? No one wants to play with a “broken” toy, why would God Almighty ever want to spend time with a “broken” Steve? (I don’t even have a cool “chopping action”) Be assured, I love Him, and He’s my everything…God is right where He’s supposed to be. But me, that’s a different story sometimes. Besides, Youth Ministers shouldn’t need to be “broken” right? We should always be right next to God…no need for fixing. What if our students found out that we struggle, that we’re imperfect, that we sometimes hurt them accidentally, and sometimes they hurt us. Still reading?
Well, this is the way I felt…until last night. I was in a prayer meeting…and the strangest thing happened. God kinda showed up all of a sudden, and people stopped just long enough to realize that in the midst of them asking for prayer for everyone BUT them…they really needed prayer themselves. And then things got REALLY crazy. This man…a manly man…not the kind of man who cries, or shows weakness, the kind of stoic man you might see in a movie. The man who trudges on, unphased by all the junk in life, making it work. Well, this man, all of a sudden…he starts CRYING?! Was I really seeing this? Not this guy, I’ve never seen this before. Not only was he crying, he was weeping, like a little child. We all got up and layed hands on him and prayed for him, and he wept. He realized he was “broken” and there was nothing he could do to fix himself…he was tired of pretending.
Then I had to go back across the street to the youth meeting where one of my Seniors, Elijah, was leading the lesson that night…it was good, “Don’t be a hypocrite…be a child of light.” He invited me up to close out the evening, and I just couldn’t shake what I saw across the street. So we took some time to be “real” with God. And while I was on stage singing, it occured to me, being “broken” isn’t a bad thing after all. In fact, I think God likes broken, He likes weak. At least that’s what He says in 2 Cor. 12:9 “My gracious favor is all that you need, my power works best in your weakness.” God also says that we are “treasures in jars of clay.” That’s when it really hit me. When I’m “broken,” when Steve is lying in pieces on the floor before the Potter…that’s when the good stuff spills out everywhere (It’s a big, holy mess). God uses our brokenness to remind us that we’re not just some dingy, cracked old pot. We may think we’re not worthy of God’s love, or we’re scared to represent Christ to the people around us…so we hide. But it’s when we’re broken before Him, that we see we are filled with a treasure. What’s the treasure you ask? The knowledge of who you are created to be in Christ! You are a child of God, a Child of Light! You are loved beyond our pathetic human understanding of real love. He demonstrates His love by taking up residence in you…in me. The cracked, beat up jar known as Steve…the treasure of Christ comes and fills me up. Sweet! Are you tired? Do you just want a chance to be real? My advice, put away the super glue and duct tape that you’ve been using to patch the cracks in your “jar.” Instead, fall to pieces in the arms of Christ…be broken. Deuces, Steve <>< Posted 12/1/2005 at 11:34 PM - email it
Where is your treasure?
I’ve been re-reading Romans 8: these last few weeks, mainly because its the SS lesson, but also because it’s really good stuff. . .
Rom 8:12
12Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation—but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. 13For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, 14because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.[g] And by him we cry, “Abba,[h] Father.” 16The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.
So it’s like this the Kingdom of Heaven is like this vast treasure that you stumble upon in a field, and you sell all you have and go and buy the field. . .
yeah, it’s kinda like that. . . Abba can also be translated Daddy, this personal and intimate rendering of the aspect of God’s love for his children is incredible and awe inspiring. . .
kinda makes me want to live better. . . it’s a good thing the Spirit of the Living God prompts and moves us to act and to love one another. . .
Wow again. . .constantly in awe of the Almighty God I serve. . .
Still in Romans
This week we are moving on to Romans 6 in our SS class. It’s not like chapters 1 – 5 have been a snap either, we’ve been on Romans for 5 weeks so this is definitely an indepth study. . .
I guess Romans 5: really had a brilliant explanation of Grace, this pre-emininet magnificint grace that cannot be explained in human terms but in the outpouring from God to us. . . The grace is about God not about us. . . God grants us grace, we only need to believe and trust in Jesus Christ. . . suddenly the whole passage about having a simple child like faith makes a lot more sense. . .
Well this week has the famous passage Romans 6:23 ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’
I really like how God (through the Spirit) used Paul to build the building blocks to faith in Romans:
1st All of humankind is separated by disobedience
2nd Disobedience started with Adam and everyone disobeys
3rd God granted Grace through the One Jesus Christ
4th Grace isn’t something you do it’s something God does for you for everyone. . .
5th If you Sin you will die – You get death
6th If you believe in Christ Jesus- You get life eternal
It’s like a pyramid, from the basics to the more complex. . . Paul just keeps building on the logical arguments from the chapters before. . . It’s brilliant and beautiful. . .
Simple really, and reiterates the magnificence of our Glorious Lord!
I truly believe that this simple basis for argument and presentation of the Truth of the Gospel is both powerful and effective, and useful in sharing the Love of Christ with the skeptics and unbelievers around us, around me. . .
I’ve been praying for several people over the past few weeks, really years, but haven’t really been sharing directly. . . May the Lord grant me the strength and courage to share His truth with Boldness and Love. . .
May His Spirit quicken the hearts of those who hear that they may recieve the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. .
amen. . .
Romans – Brings it On
Notice how Paul just lays it out in Romans 1: No fluffy fun stuff other than regular 1st Century greetings: Then in Romans 1:18-32 he just crashes down the boom and lays bare the truth.
God abandons those who abandon Him, when they choose to follow their wanton desires instead of Him, he gives them over to those desires, and thus we find ourselves in bondage, not to the freedom we so desire but to the feeling, the ecstasy, the sin. . . .and what a miserable place to be. . .
Thank you Father for 1 John 1:9 . . .and Rom 3:23 and Eph 2:8-10. . .
wow. . . go God. . .
Romans 1:8-9
I thank God through Jesus for every one of you. That’s first. People everywhere keep telling me about your lives of faith, and every time I hear them, I thank him. 9And God, whom I so love to worship and serve by spreading the good news of his Son–the Message!-knows that every time I think of you 10in my prayers, which is practically all the time, I ask him to clear the way for me to come and see you.
We are spending the next 2 quarters in Romans. . . time to get back to the basics.
People need Jesus. . .
Paul loved them, we need to love all of them too. . .
If we love them we will tell them the Truth. . . John 14:6
Grace Story
I’ve been thinking about this lately over the past couple of weeks. What’s my Grace Story?
Aside (The Doctors say Grandma may be able to come home Sat or Sun, please keep prayin’ and thanks!)
What’s a Grace Story? Good Question. . . A Grace Story is a personal story of God’s provision, plan, protection, patience, and or personal work in your life.
It can be as simple as the testimony of your salvation, to the daily paths He leads you on. It can be an interwoven thread of happen stances and aquaintances that working together lead you to the discovery of Truth. Whatever that story is that’s what I’m interested in. I think that’s what God is interested in. The more interested we are in how God is working and changing hearts and lives then the more desire we will have to share and to love those beautiful faces all around us. . .
So What’s your Grace Story?
Amazing. . .
Okay I confess I’m a doubter. . . I just couldn’t believe it would happen. . .
How wrong I was. . .
It’s good to be wrong. . .
Okay about 4 months ago we came back from a retreat. . . One of the men really got excited and single handedly annouced a pay off the debt campaign. . . We are a small church and had a $30k mortgage on a Family Life Center we built in 96. So I think okay this is good. . . but you know 3 months and 2 weeks went by and we still have $16k left to go. . . So 2 weeks ago our Pastor annouces we are going to pay off this debt in 2 weeks. . . And I have to say I was a doubter. . . Oh how little faith I have. . .
But God is good, and we had all the remaining amount come in yesterday. . . Which after the week before was still approximately $14,500 . . Wow God is very good. . . Now for a Church where the average weekly offering is $2,500 to $3,500 a week that was a really good week. . .
Go God. . .
Okay so now we are in the 29th fastest growing county in the Country, right smack in the middle of 3 growing Hill Country Suburbs and seeing a daily influx of new faces pass into our community. . .
C. . .
Found Faithful 2005
Moreover it is required of stewards that one be found faithful (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 4:2
I taught a lesson on this verse and Zechariah 7:4-10 which I blogged about a few days ago. ( We have a Prayer Breakfast every Fri at our Church. )
There were a few points that caught my attention on this but verse 5 speaks of God knowing the motives of our heart. . . Also in Zechariah 7, God is chastising the Religious Jews in captivity about just Fasting and Going through the motions. . .
That’s what God is speaking to me about. . . Don’t go through the motions, cause God knows my heart and He knows yours? If I say I am a Christian. . . then God knows the motives of our inmost being of why we take certain actions. . .It isn’t for us to judge our fellow believer on their Godliness, it is to God to judge the believer and the unbeliever. . . But it is up to us to share what we know. . .
I’ve heard an adage from my Preacher in Mesquite when I was growing up. . . He would say (and I’m sure he took this from someone . . . :))
“You know I’m just a blind beggar, showing another blind beggar where to find some bread. The Bread of Life.”
I believe its true. . .
VBS Update . . .
Okay so we have 115 Enrolled in VBS this year. . .
With tour guides, assitants and helpers we had 157 people involved in VBS this year!
Go God!
whew hoo . . .