What to expect when you're expecting?

I have no idea. . . but here we are. Last week at our weekly men’s prayer breakfast I shared an Unspoken request. . .

Unknowingly, one of the men prayed specifically and urgently for that request an my family. As I listened to the prayer, I smiled and tears came to my eyes, knowing that only an Incredibly Awesome God that I serve could have prompted my brother’s heart to pray with such ferver. This week, after I shared the testimony and how I was touched and blessed by his prayer last week. He mentioned that he somehow knew Wed two days ago that we were expecting. We hadn’t told anyone at Church yet, but just the same he knew. . .

🙂 What an Awesome God we serve. There is something powerful when the Spirit touches our spirit and communicates the love and joy before it is verbally spoken that makes this reality of a small new life coming into this world all the more special. . .

Go God. . .


Food –

So over the past 10 months or so my wife and I have lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 80lbs. It makes quite the difference, we feel better, look better and both recieve compliments.

On the down side we both need new clothes. . . 😉 fortunately I have a few new outfits from the w/e before last. . . It’s amazing how the weight has made a difference in people’s perceptions. . .
Now we have a goal to move to excercise and lose a few more pounds to keep an even keel.

This is the least we’ve weighed since College. ..

I thought about this after seeing an article link to Hardee’s Big Burger

wow, that does look good, doesn’t go in my new lifestyle diet at all, but perhaps just one. . .

nahh. . . too big, plus I have no idea where the nearest Hardee’s is. . .


Unspoken Prayer Request

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note, asking for prayer. Some interesting things are afoot and I would appreciate you’re prayers for our family during this time:



Families are a beautiful thing. . .

They give us our earliest images of hope and love if we are fortunate. They give us peace and security, saftey and provision. They love us when we are unlovable, they clean us up when we got dirty and the portrayed life daily poured out before us. . .

If we are fortunate, we live long and happy lives together. . .

Much of my life has been fortunate. . . I’m grateful for that.

Right now my Dad’s parent’s Grampy and Grandma have been married 60 years this year. They have lived in the same house on the outskirts of Dallas for nearly 20 years. They lived in the house before that for somewhere around 30 years.

The didn’t move much and have traveled very little in the past 10 years. In their earlier years they had a big RV that they drove around the country for vacations and the like. I liked the RV, especially when they took me out to the farm, I forget the name of it now, but Grandma and her sisters and the families would travel together in the RV’s and trailers and we would have a grand time swimming and such. . .

These past few years have been tough for Grampy and Grandma, struggles with various ailments, and such the passing of all but one of Grandma’s sisters, and the realization that she is one of only 2 left.

But what a life they have lived. . . a life of service and example. Not perfect just there. Grampy and Grandma have been there through every stage of my life. They were at some of my little league games, many of my soccer games and even one or two of my high school games, they were at Graduations, Birthdays and the like, they made it 3 hours east to see me when I graduated college, they were there when I said I do to my wife, they were there.

(just like Mom and Dad) 🙂

I’m grateful and fortunate to have such wonderful Grandparents. . .

Pray for my family, Grandma is in critical condition in Dallas and the doctors say she may not make it.


My Wife

Sometimes simple things make me smile, like this e-card my wife sent me today. . .

Lady Bug Small

after the animation which includes the little yellow bug crawling up the blade of grass. . . it ends with “I like the spot, right next to you!”

I love my wife . . . she makes me smile and laugh. . .