I Love Snow!

What was left of the snow when I got home
Well this is our first snow of the year! I’ve asked my wife to take pictures, but hopefully it will still be around when I get off. I’ll get photos up then, but until then you can watch something close to what I’m seeing live yeah removed cause it’s not snowing now! ๐Ÿ™‚ ha ha . . .


  • This is the live web-cam of our Student Center Construction on campus
  • . We are just beginning dirt and preparation but they plan to open the facility in the Fall of 2009. . . ๐Ÿ™‚
    Until then let it snow let it snow let it snow!

    Updated Snow Picture from earlier in the day! (for my Northern sugar doubters! ๐Ÿ™‚ )
    Snow in Marshall March 2008


    Promise Keepers 2007

    I’m planning on attending the 2007 Conference in Nashville, TX

    These events have been fantastic in the past? Do want to go? Do you want to be a part of something greater?

    Check it out!Promise Keepers 2007!


    Update!ร‚ย  I couldn’t confirm my dates off to make the drive to Nashville!ร‚ย  Ugh. . . But I’m going to San Antonio!ร‚ย  whew hoo, Also I may not have to pay anything but hotel.ร‚ย  If you want to go and find out how, just leave a comment with your email below!

    Chase is One

    Well today is the day, one year ago my son was born. It was breathtaking, exciting and scary all in one. The year has been full of exciting new experiences, falls, tumbles and lots of growth learning and smiles.
    What a year! Chase is one! Happy Happy birthday son!

    Christmas 2006

    hmm. . . too many things have happened since I wrote a post about my family . . .

    wow. . . Baby Chase’s first Christmas, travels travails and friends Christmas. . .

    Camcorders and Video’s and pictures galore. . . photos’ with Santa fun with family and gifts overflowing. . .

    We are definitely blessed . . .


    Possibilities and Regrets

    Have you ever been really excited about something? Well I have been lately. I don’t think I even realized how excited I was about the possiblity till after the meeting. It seemed to go so well. . . I’m hoping that it is God’s permisabble will to allow it to happen. Misty is excited, I’m excited and we are both praying for His will to be done. But I believe it would be good for our family, good for Chase and renewing for our Spiritual and family life.

    Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot about where I live that I love, but things haven’t always worked out in ways that I could have possibly imagined. It’s time for a since of pleasure and purpose to be restored, I believe and I think this opportunity is it.

    Hey I just got back from PK 2006 Unleashed at the American Airlines Center in Dallas, TX www.nooma.com. . . The Dust clip is really good. This is the first I’ve seen Rob Bell and he wasn’t there just the Dust video. . . but wow it was really good. . .

    Everything else at PK was great too. . .it was just Rob’s way of talking about the past, scriptures and God’s eternal purposes for our lives that really clicked with me. Feel free to watch the streamed clip, it’s not nearly all of the teaching video but it has a glimpse. . .

    The most powerful part to me was the explanation of the 1st Century Jewish world, the reverence and honor the Rabbi’s held in their life and the select nature of becoming a follower of a Rabbi. Rob says that only the best of the best of the best got picked and by the time they were devoted to following the Rabbi for their entire lives each student would have memorized the entire Old Testament and known much of the sayings and commentary related to each of the passages. Gives a whole new appreciation to Paul who was said to have studied under the Rabbi Gamalial (sp?) But it really gives a whole new appreciation to realize that Jesus choose, Commen Men, Fishermen, tax collectors and sinners and he said “Come Follow-Me” Jesus saw a potential in each of them that others didn’t see. . . It’s amazing He has said the same thing to you and to me. . . “Come Follow-Me” . . .

    So will you?ร‚ย  Do you see yourself the way God sees you?