I Love Snow!

What was left of the snow when I got home
Well this is our first snow of the year! I’ve asked my wife to take pictures, but hopefully it will still be around when I get off. I’ll get photos up then, but until then you can watch something close to what I’m seeing live yeah removed cause it’s not snowing now! 🙂 ha ha . . .


  • This is the live web-cam of our Student Center Construction on campus
  • . We are just beginning dirt and preparation but they plan to open the facility in the Fall of 2009. . . 🙂
    Until then let it snow let it snow let it snow!

    Updated Snow Picture from earlier in the day! (for my Northern sugar doubters! 🙂 )
    Snow in Marshall March 2008


    2 Replies to “I Love Snow!”

    1. Dear Glen,

      Hello there, my name is Leeanne and I am new to this whole blog thing. Anyway, I was just browsing through the Christian section here and saw your title “I Love the Snow”.

      Being in the mid-west and then North Carolina, I haven’t seen much snow in years, so I was excited by the title and couldn’t wait to see the photos!

      Glen….you gave me a hearty laugh (this is all in fun)
      Imagine my surprise…I had to search the photo until I noticed the cup of sugar your neighbor must’ve dropped on your lawn haha!

      Please don’t think I’m being mean, this is all in good fun,it’s just that I’m originally from Pittsburgh Pa. and when we said snow….it meant you better have food for the week!

      By the way, if you haven’t declared me the meanest person you’ve ever met (sorta online) Check out my blog…..and feel free to laugh as well…………….I get no visitors haha!

    2. Not at all!

      🙂 it really was a lot more earlier in the day, I just didn’t get any pictures from then. . .

      Okay, I borrowed a friends photo just so you can see what it looks like!

      That was pretty pathetic, but it was all I got on film, fortunately some of my friends got some good shots on my school campus.


      Thanks for stopping by come back anytime. . .

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