Make Your Website Sing with Automation to Keep your mind at Ease and Focused on your Clients!
We will listen to your needs and design a tailored solution for your exacting needs. We provide complete solutions from full site design, implementation and ongoing maintenance to simplify your technology problems.
Web Sites Need Maintenance and Support
Creating a great site is just one leg of a terrific web presence and experience for your customers. From 404’s to hacks and regular security and feature enhancements the systems behind your site need upkeep and support. The worst thing for your business is for customers to be unable to get the information they need when they need it.
See Our Competitive Full Service Launch Pricing (No commitment!)
See Our Competitive Hosting Solutions Pricing
Simple Web Maintenance Solutions
Small Comfort
This is the perfect for your simple site to add little more complex page site for your family or small business site. This solution ads all features except hack repair to your small site! (This package includes 2 hours of Maintenance and Support)
Medium Comfort
Don’t get caught unaware Medium Comfort includes one moderate hack repair annually up to the limit of hours and all other features listed below!
(This package includes 5 hours of Maintenance and Support)
Breathe Easy
This solution lets your website and you Breathe Easy including every managed solution listed below and any hack repair up to your 10 hours this lets you focus on your customers and clients and leave the web tech stuff to those who actually like it.
(This package includes 10 hours of Maintenance and Support)
Why Add Maintenance with Renewals?
Each Annual Maintenance Plan includes these outstanding value added features!
with Maintenance Renewals*
Wordpress Updates
Plugin Updates
Make it Right – fix any issues the updates may cause
Wordfence Security
Software Firewall
Hack Repair *
- Maintenance Plan Pricing are a separate Annually Renewing Charge available after year one if you do not choose a 3 year guaranteed plan.
- Maintenance Plans are offered to Customers on Interfaith Networking’s Hosting Plans only.
** “Edits” are 1/4 hour design or change slots for your website layout or content. All time above the monthly total is billed at $200 per hour – Notice of additional charges will be given before work has begun. *** All Sites must Comply with Interfaith Networking’s Acceptable Use Policy.